GP, Care launch info hub on boat for haor people

September 27, 2008 | By | 1 Reply More

An information hub on a boat, named “Tathya Tari” started providing livelihood information among communities of haor region in Dirai upazila of Sunamganj.

Mobile operator Grameenphone and CARE Bangladesh jointly launched the information boat project on September 22 with the aim to educate and empower the rural people, especially the poor and marginalised, with the necessary information for their livelihoods.

The boat moves from one place to another by turns to meet the communication needs of the people having limited access to up-to-date livelihood and other information that includes agriculture.

The boat is equipped with computers, Internet and email facilities, photocopiers, fax machines, printers, video, scanners and more depending on the needs of the communities.

Grameenphone’s head of corporate social responsibilities Shuvashish Priya Barua and CARE’s assistant country director Stav Zotalis were present at the project launching ceremony, said a release.

More information boats will be launched in different parts of the country under the project, it said.

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Category: ICT for Development

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  1. Business says:

    Great effor by Grameenphone and Care. Hope they will introduce more innovative technology for the poor people.

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