Sweets packets by rural lady

July 17, 2007 | By | Reply More


“Sweets” is a symbol food to celebrate any good things. Specially in South Asia, we love to eat sweets on any good occasion. This is a picture that showing two rural lady preparing hand made paper based packets to carry sweets. Non Governments organization SAP-Bangladesh providing micro credit loans to rural ladies to do such small businesses.

Photograph by Md. Shahidul Islam from Golachipa, Patuakhali. All rights reserved.

Category: Rural Women

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  1. Bipa says:

    Thanks to SAP-Bangladesh for providing micro credit loans to rural ladies to do this type of small business. Rural women can work besides maintaining their family.

  2. Md. Arafatul Islam says:

    You are right Bipa.

    SAP-Bangladesh is doing well with micro credit programs. SAP-Bangladesh micro credit in-charge Mr. Shahidul Islam is an author of our blog. I would like to know more about there micro credit programs from him.

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