Archive for July, 2007
“Development is about human being”: Fazle Hasan Abed
Fazle Hasan Abed is the founder and chairperson of the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC). He gave up a thriving accounting career to help Bangladesh’s independence movement. After the birth of the country in 1971, he started BRAC to help refugees and victims of war integrate into society. He spoke with Nepali Times columnist Ashutosh […]
Sweets packets by rural lady
“Sweets” is a symbol food to celebrate any good things. Specially in South Asia, we love to eat sweets on any good occasion. This is a picture that showing two rural lady preparing hand made paper based packets to carry sweets. Non Governments organization SAP-Bangladesh providing micro credit loans to rural ladies to do such […]
Bangladesh struggles with “child marriage”
“Child marriage” is an acute problem in Bangladesh, being largely symptomatic of the extent of poverty which exists. And the suffering of a child after becoming a house wife in early age is really horrible. A few months ago, I heard a story from on of my media colleges about Khadija Khatun who is staying […]
Green Sea!!!
We can make our country more greenish by planting lots of trees and all other seasonal crops. It can save our country from global warming. So, if you have chance, please plant some trees. Because it’s our responsibility to save our country, our world from global warming. This is a Photograph by Md. Shahidul […]
Nepal Renewable Energy Project to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
More than 142,000 households in Nepal will get long-awaited access to electricity thanks to the implementation of the Nepal Micro Hydro Project for which an emission reductions purchase agreement (ERPA) was signed on Friday, June 29. This is the second greenhouse gas emission reduction project in Nepal, executed by the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), […]
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