Archive for January 7th, 2008

Bangladesh to build 2,000 new cyclone centers this year

Bangladesh to build 2,000 new cyclone centers this year

Bangladesh will build 2,000 new cyclone centers in the 15 coastal districts this year following the deadly cyclone Sidr on

January 7, 2008 | By | Reply More
Pakistan Army doctors treat over 37000 Bangladesh cyclone victims

Pakistan Army doctors treat over 37000 Bangladesh cyclone victims

The Pakistan Army field hospital which was set up at Bhandaria, Barisal and Bangladesh for relief operations after cyclone “Sidr” worked day and night to mitigate the sufferings of flood-affected people, earning goodwill for the country. A Pakistan Air Force C-130 aircraft carrying the field hospital, doctors, paramedics and life-saving drugs was the first to […]

January 7, 2008 | By | Reply More