RSSCategory: South Asia

Lakhi Biswas and her story of happiness with Rainwater Harvesting Tank

Lakhi Biswas and her story of happiness with Rainwater Harvesting Tank

‘’Since long back, I had to travel a long distance for collecting freshwater, despite my back pain and violated  doctors advise –‘not to carry a loaded jar.’ This is due to the necessity of my family to bring fresh water. Every day it was my responsibility to bring at least 2 jars (10-12 litres/jar) of […]

November 8, 2020 | By | Reply More
Fakhruddin, Maung Aye talk road to China via Myanmar

Fakhruddin, Maung Aye talk road to China via Myanmar

Maritime boundary, direct road link gas import boosting of bilateral trade, enhancing cooperation between the armies of the two countries dominated the talks between Chief Adviser Dr Fakhruddin Ahmed and the visiting Myanmar delegation led by Vice-Chairman of the ruling State Peace and Development Council of Myanmar Vice-senior General Maung Aye, at the Chief Adviser’s […]

October 7, 2008 | By | Reply More
Bangladesh-Myanmar link road survey to begin soon

Bangladesh-Myanmar link road survey to begin soon

Dhaka is set to begin a survey on the proposed Bangladesh-Myanmar link road this month with the consent of Yangon. The communications ministry has already requested the foreign affairs ministry to seek opinions of the Myanmar authorities in this regard, said a senior official concerned. Dhaka may take up the issue of the proposed direct […]

October 6, 2008 | By | Reply More
2,200 Indians die every day from tobacco use

2,200 Indians die every day from tobacco use

India on Thursday imposed a countrywide ban on smoking in public spaces in its fight against tobacco use, which a medical study warned would claim 1 million lives in the country each year from 2010. The ban, aimed at the country’s 120 million smokers, has received a good

October 2, 2008 | By | Reply More
Indian couple wins Alternative Nobel Prize

Indian couple wins Alternative Nobel Prize

Krishnammal Jagannathan, 82, and her husband, Sankaralingam, 95, have spent a lifetime fighting for the rights of the deprived, especially the Dalits, the former untouchables, who form the lowest rung of India’s ancient caste ladder. The couple – named Wednesday among the recipients of the 2008 Right Livelihood Awards, often called the Alternative Nobel Prizes […]

October 1, 2008 | By | Reply More