Community radio in Nepal examined by National Consultation

December 16, 2007 | By | Reply More

A local CMC made a programme reflecting the lives of the Tansen community in Nepal.A national review of Nepalese community radio was conducted this month by UNESCO, the Ministry of Information and Communication, the Government of Nepal and the Association of Community Radio Broadcasters.

The Consultation was held as follow up to a recently completed study commissioned by UNESCO to review developments in the community radio sector in Nepal. The study confirmed that there are positive, even exceptional elements present in Nepal’s community radio environment, including excellent practices in programming, innovative strategies for sustainability and sophisticated examples of networking.

However, the lack of proper regulation, ambiguity in areas of ownership, participation and representation pointed to the need to work towards consolidation of a community radio policy and practices to maximize its benefit for social transformation.

Yubaraj Pandey, from the Ministry of Information and Communication, confirmed that the recommendations made by the consultation would be very useful to support the government in forming legislative and policy frameworks for the community radio in Nepal.

Raghu Panta, Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Environment, Communication and Technology, said that community radio in Nepal had enjoyed unlimited freedom and it was now time for the sector to form guidelines, ensure self regulation and be critical of its performance.

The consultation was attended by more than hundred organisations with particular interest in community radio in Nepal. These included representatives from all community radio stations in Nepal, Content Networks, Ministry of Information and Communication, Ministry of Finance as well as Donor Agencies.

Source: UNESCO

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Category: Knowledge for Development

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  1. Tapash Ghosh says:

    Please provide me whole details on community radio center which i am interested to set up in bangladesh for the roral community specialy the farmer in country.
    Tapash Ghosh

  2. Saroj says:

    i just read it. i m happy coz there are also some support center for community radio which is held in southasia.
    We have also a community radio in Nepal, Radio jugal which is located in sindhupalchok.we have a good team work, pulic interst but in these day we are in cricis of technical equipments.
    If somebody support us we will happy.
    now its over.
    Thnks a lot.

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