Author Archive: Md Shahidul Islam
Green Sea!!!
We can make our country more greenish by planting lots of trees and all other seasonal crops. It can save our country from global warming. So, if you have chance, please plant some trees. Because it’s our responsibility to save our country, our world from global warming. This is a Photograph by Md. Shahidul […]
Small Loan empowered Anowara Begum
‘’I thought many times, whether God created me only for sufferings! When my husband cried out from chest pain, it became unbearable for me like a beloved wife. I used to go from door to door to borrow some money to buy medicines for my husband. But my relatives and neighbors were reluctant to lend […]
Sun setting in Agunmukha river
The Agunmukha river in Golachipa, which is situated in the coastal belt of Bangladesh. An unbelievable calm and quite in a winter season with a nice sun setting landscape. It also become a very furious in rainy season. As the place is very nearby at Bay of Bengal. So tourists can be enjoy this place […]
Micro Finance helped Amena Begum escape abject poverty
Borguna, June, 07: For over forty years, Amena Begum lived a life of abject poverty, disappointment and torture. She was born into a poor vegetable trading family in Barobigai village of Amtali upazilla under Borguna district in Bangladesh. At the tender age of ten, she was traded away by her father to a man thirty […]
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