Tag: Sexual Health

Girls gone missing

Girls gone missing

Hyderabad, India (Oct 29): A four-country UNFPA study released today at the 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights in Hyderabad warns that sex selection and son preference in the Asian region will “affect the stability of the marriage system”.The global impact of this sex ratio scenario will impact families. With […]

October 29, 2007 | By | Reply More
4th APCRSH begins with 1,300 delegates representing 52 countries

4th APCRSH begins with 1,300 delegates representing 52 countries

HYDERABAD: Youth and their sexual and reproductive health issues will be the focus of the three-day Fourth Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive Sexual Health and Rights (APCRSH) which begins at the Hyderabad International Convention Centreon Monday. The impact of religious fundamentalism on woman’s sexual and reproductive health and rights will be another issue to be […]

October 29, 2007 | By | Reply More
Exploring New Frontiers in Sexual Health

Exploring New Frontiers in Sexual Health

New Delhi: The third National Family Health Survey (NFHS-III) shows that significant proportions of all married women have experienced physical and sexual violence perpetrated by their husbands. But as a recent study shows, many of the young men, who could be termed as `marital rapists’, are in need of basic information about sexuality. But how […]

October 15, 2007 | By | 3 Replies More