Tag: Myanmar

Fakhruddin, Maung Aye talk road to China via Myanmar

Fakhruddin, Maung Aye talk road to China via Myanmar

Maritime boundary, direct road link gas import boosting of bilateral trade, enhancing cooperation between the armies of the two countries dominated the talks between Chief Adviser Dr Fakhruddin Ahmed and the visiting Myanmar delegation led by Vice-Chairman of the ruling State Peace and Development Council of Myanmar Vice-senior General Maung Aye, at the Chief Adviser’s […]

October 7, 2008 | By | Reply More
Bangladesh-Myanmar link road survey to begin soon

Bangladesh-Myanmar link road survey to begin soon

Dhaka is set to begin a survey on the proposed Bangladesh-Myanmar link road this month with the consent of Yangon. The communications ministry has already requested the foreign affairs ministry to seek opinions of the Myanmar authorities in this regard, said a senior official concerned. Dhaka may take up the issue of the proposed direct […]

October 6, 2008 | By | Reply More
Vietnam under high risk of Climate change

Vietnam under high risk of Climate change

World Bank officials said Tuesday the agency’s new Global Monitoring Report underlines the risks that environmental damage and climate change pose to the gains made by developing countries in recent years, even development success stories such as Vietnam.  The report, issued Monday and entitled “Millennium Development Goals and the Environment,” singles out Vietnam as both […]

May 21, 2008 | By | Reply More
Climate link with killer cyclones spurs fierce scientific debate

Climate link with killer cyclones spurs fierce scientific debate

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina laid waste to parts of the US Gulf Coast. Last year, the Arabian Peninsula was hit by a super-cyclone, Gonu. Now, an unusual early-season storm, Nargis, has slammed into Myanmar, brutally changing gear from a Category One to a Category Four cyclone just before it made landfall. Are these events — […]

May 6, 2008 | By | Reply More