Tag: Climate Change

That is of course if there are no hail storms: Bipulesh Chandra Roy
VILLAGERS were looking forward to the annual fair scheduled in a few days just before the Bengali new year. So far, the weather had been favourable and they hoped that the harvest would be quite good. “That is of course if there are no hail storms,” said Bipulesh Chandra Roy a farmer of the village […]

We had about 10 acres of land taken by the river: Shahidul
SHAHIDUL Islam (Farmer, Anantaram, Pirgachha, Rangpur) has planted jute on his 20 decimals of land. Although jute cultivation is apparently decreasing according to him, prices are far better than they used to be. He has only settled here a few years ago and has not yet been able to buy more land for intense cultivation. […]

We try and work hard: Gani
Osman Gani (a Farmer, Parkunda, Ranishankhail, Thakurgaon) and his father work their 113 decimals between themselves. They cannot afford to hire hands even during the peak seasons when the job has to be done in a few days if not hours. “That’s especially the case when we find water levels rising and the paddy is […]

Heeding Climate Change Warnings
With a predicted sea level rise of one metre by 2100, Vietnam may end up being one of the nations worst hit by climate change. Such a rise would affect five percent of the land area, 11 percent of the population and seven

6.1 bln dlrs Climate Investment Funds
The World Bank said Friday that 10 nations had pledged more than 6.1 billion dollars to its new investment funds aimed at helping developing countries fight global warming. The Climate Investment Funds, launched on July 1, are aimed at providing “interim,
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