About VOS
Voice of South, Bangladesh is registered by Social Welfare department of Bangladesh under the act of voluntary social welfare institution (registration and control) 1961, Ordinance number: 46, Article: 4(3).
As a comparatively new initiative in ICT sector, now we need some technical and financial support to strengthen our existing program. Connecting people with the present ICT for development initiative is now our main concentration. So, our immediate aim is to establish an internet based training center in our office campus (Bagerhat) with necessary devices and furniture.
To establish four ISEP Centers (IT Solution to End Poverty) with internet facilities in four Upazillas (sub-district) of Bagerhat is our immediate objective. It will be an available information source for poor people to support their livelihood. One the other hand it will protect people by providing weather signals from disasters due to climate changes, which is becoming a threat for Southern belt people of Bangladesh.
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